DSDN112: Refining The Beaten Track

I am going to refine the storyline of The Beaten Track in order for it to be web appropriate. As the format which I created the layout and produced the storyline is made well for a physical comic, not so much for a web comic. There is quite a lot of repetition of emotion on a single page. I want to break this up and remove some of the frames and add others to keep the storyline interesting for the reader.

If I were to keep the comic as it is now, but use my idea of bringing in one frame at a time, it would become quite repetitive and boring for the user because there are so many similar frames portraying the same emotion, just with different ideas. I will remove some frames and add others to make it more interesting in order for my idea to flow.This will help it to become more successful.

I also want to play with lightness and darkness more to enhance the feelings felt within the comic. When the feelings are dark I want the page to visually correspond with being darker. And when he feelings are lighter I also want the comic to correspond with being lighter.

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