I have finalised my design of the investigation into structure & noise.

What I have attempted to do while investigating structure and noise is to create a structure out of noise. I was inspired by chemistry, more specifically the idea that everything in this world is made up of atoms. Therefore all of the structures in this world are made up of noise through atoms. 

I have tried to recreate this idea by creating a structure out of noise via the negative space. The starting image is zoomed into the composition to represent a single atom, then as the images progress, the composition zooms outwards. This transforms the structure from a constrained system of atoms as it grows and evolves, breaking the structure. This deconstructs the structure created out of negative space. Therefore the process becomes more noisey as the structure is broken down. Because of the contrasting colours I have used, there is the effect of an optical illusion which was inspired by Bridget Riley. In some instances it is hard to tell where the structure is because the noise becomes overbearing, breaking the structure of negative space.

Black Raspberry and Gardens:

Reflection and Olives:

 Reflection and Black Raspberry:

I have finalised the structure and sizes. Im just not too sure about the colouring as it does not use as much of the burgandy colour as it did previously. I may also play around with the stroke weights and see how this affects the design.

I have written the code for the final structure.


I have made series of variations to the dotsizes to test the visual design.

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